Report on supervision of election campaign funding in 2017 municipal elections

Except for eight, all persons obliged to file disclosures have filed the election funding disclosures. NAOF checks that all candidates who have been elected or confirmed as alternates file the election-specific disclosures required under the Act on a Candidate’s Election Funding.

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Except for eight disclosers, all persons obliged to file disclosures in the 2017 municipal elections have filed the election funding disclosures referred to in the Act on a Candidate’s Election Funding. Under the Act on a Candidate’s Election Funding, the discloser is always responsible for the accuracy of the election funding disclosure.

After the processing of the disclosures and the additional details provided by the disclosers and the supplementary information provided, the National Audit Office is not aware of any matters on the basis of which it would have any reason to doubt the accuracy of the disclosures, except for one disclosure.

So far, the National Audit Office has obliged a total of 40 disclosers to file a funding disclosure on pain of a penalty payment.

The National Audit Office has attempted to prepare an election campaign funding system that guides the involved people as well as possible. In addition to the provided instructions, the National Audit Office’s advisory service has replied to questions posed about election campaign funding and the filing of the election funding disclosures.



URN identification

URN:NBN: vtv-r192017vp