Work-based immigration

The main audit question was how effectively administration has created preconditions for work-based immigration. This document contains a summary of the main results of the audit. The entire audit report is available only in Finnish.

The audit focused on the information base, objectives, implemented measures and related monitoring regarding the promotion of work-based immigration. The main audit question was how effectively administration has created preconditions for work-based immigration.

The Ministry of the Interior is generally responsible for immigration policy and for the drafting of legislation concerning immigration and citizenship. The Ministry of Employment and the Economy is in charge of monitoring the amount and structure of work-based immigration and for developing monitoring tools. The Ministry of Employment and the Economy also plays a key role in promoting immigrants’ employment and in implementing work-based immigration policy. Integration matters were shifted from the administrative sector of the Ministry of the Interior to the administrative sector of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy at the beginning of 2012.

Immigration, work-based immigration and the use of temporary foreign labour are not unambiguously distinguishable from one another. Work-based immigration has not been differentiated from other immigration in statistics, studies or the state budget. Consequently it was not possible in all respects to restrict the audit to work-based immigration alone; instead the audit also considered the development of immigration and the use of funds as a whole. The audit defined work-based immigration as covering labour immigration both from inside and outside the EU that increases the supply

of labour on the Finnish labour market permanently. Temporary foreign labour was considered in the audit in connection with the monitoring of the use of foreign labour and in evaluating the information base regarding the promotion of work-based immigration.

