Report on the monitoring of election funding in the 2012 municipal elections

All of those, except for three persons, required to file an election funding disclosure in the 2012 municipal elections filed an election funding disclosure as prescribed in the Act on a Candidate’s Election Funding. The National Audit Office obliged a total of 34 disclosers to file their election funding disclosure on pain of paying a penalty payment. NAOF checks that all candidates who have been elected or confirmed as alternates file the election-specific disclosures required under the Act on a Candidate’s Election Funding.

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All of those, except for three persons, required to file an election funding disclosure in the 2012 municipal elections filed an election funding disclosure as prescribed in the Act on a Candidate’s Election Funding. Under the Act, liability for the accuracy of the disclosure always rests with the discloser.

Following disclosure processing, reports and provision of supplementary information, the National Audit Office has received no such indication that gives reason to doubt the accuracy of the disclosures received, excluding one election funding disclosure.

A total of 2,894 disclosers had failed to file their disclosure by the deadline set in the Act on a Candidate’s Election Funding. In all 1,664 disclosers were requested to file their disclosure without delay. The first reminder resulted in the filing of 1,237 disclosures to the National Audit Office. A second reminder was sent to those disclosers who still had not filed their disclosure, with the number of those receiving a second reminder totalling 427.

It was apparent after the two reminders that some of those obliged to file a disclosure under the Act on a Candidate’s Election Funding fail to file the disclosure to the National Audit Office in the manner referred to in the Act regardless of having received reminders. The process was taken further into the procedure in accordance with the Act on Penalty Payments (1113/1990).

Prior to the imposition of a penalty payment, the disclosers were to be provided with the opportunity to provide an explanation (hearing of the party). A notice concerning the procedural phase relating to a penalty payment and the opportunity to provide an explanation was delivered to a total of 191 persons under the obligation to file a disclosure. The notices were delivered via process servers.

Following the notices delivered by process servers, the National Audit Office received a total of 157 election funding disclosures.

The National Audit Office obliged a total of 34 disclosers to file their election  funding disclosure on pain of paying a penalty payment. Of these, three are yet to file their disclosure to the National Audit Office.

The National Audit Office has made efforts to make the election funding supervision system as guiding as possible. In practice this has meant that, in addition to the provision of guidelines, the advisory service has replied to all questions relating to election funding and filing of election funding disclosures. During the period from the beginning of the municipal election campaign period until the end of April 2013, the telephone helpline maintained by the National Audit Office replied to a total of around 840 inquiries concerning election funding. In addition to these, responses were given by email to around 790 inquiries relating to election funding. The number of actual election funding disclosures received on paper and filed into the National Audit Office’s system totalled 6,158. Supplementary information relating to a disclosure was provided in 310 cases.

